Smart Care Senior Clothing

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Why I Love my Job

For my first blog I have decided to share an overview of what Smart Care Clothing is all about. We are more than just a clothing store. Our number 1 purpose is to bring a safe shopping experience to the residents of retirement and long-term care homes. We try to bring some independence to people who quite often feel like they no longer have control over their own lives. We also host fashion shows at many of the homes. These fashion shows bring joy, comradery and for many confidence.

At one of our homes we had just started the fashion show when a gentleman and a staff member were walking past. The activities manager asked if he wanted to model for us. He just smiled so she looked at our racks and grabbed a men’s bathrobe. (This bathrobe was bright yellow and Cheryl and I had a bet on whether we would ever sell it!) He got a big smile on his face, put it on and walked “the runway” with some spins and poses. After the fashion show the staff told us he had dementia and was non-verbal and it was the first time in a long time that they had seen him so happy.

 My days are filled with stories like this and this is why I do what I do. I am missing each of our customers and to be honest I am afraid and worried. They are in such a vulnerable situation and I hope when all of this is over we can start to rethink our entire healthcare system to make it much safer for the residents and staff.

Stay home and stay safe